With great anticipation we patiently wait for “that time” when - the weather changes, your favorite sports season begins, the arrival of a Christmas letter, or some event that has consumed hours of planning and prepping is near. Can you feel the excitement? It is “that time” when we come together to hear about a
nd celebrate how great God is! If you haven’t guessed it, it’s “that time” for Christ the King’s Virtual Annual Meeting (Sunday, January 30, login begins after 10:10am).
Many have said, we are happy to see the year end and have it behind us, but the annual meeting is important to marvel of how God has seen us through another year. God has provided, God has blessed, and God has bee
n revealed through the magnificent glory of ministry. This year may not have turned out the way any of us planned it, nor reflect the expectations we had, but this year is a testament of how God cradles us in God’s own hand.
CtK’s Annual Meeting is also “that time” to anticipate and plan for what God has in the new year. I hope you will take the time to worship (9:15am in person or virtually) and attend this year’s virtual annual meeting. We will open the meeting room after worship around 10:10am and plan to start the meeting as soon as e
veryone is credentialed (determine a quorum and identify who is present and able to vote). We an
ticipate that will take 10-15 minutes to welcome everyone in before beginning.
Let us unite and give thanks to God for the blessings of another year of ministry. I hope you take the time to peruse the pages of the 2021 annual report. You can find the link in the electronic newsletter or pick up a hard copy in the yellow tote outside the office doors. See you this weekend!
Christ’s Blessings & Peace,
Pastor Nate