What is Rally Month? After a summer of outdoor activities, vacations, and up north time its time to reassemble, regroup, and even re-form with one another, with God, and with our spiritual family. If it’s been longer than a summer, there is always a place for you at CtK! Come on back and see what God has in store for you and your faith life!
Rally month is a great time to reconnect with your spiritual practices of worship, Bible study, and the many other educational and group gatherings. See what’s coming soon:
Worship - get it on your calendar – Sunday mornings at 9:15am in person and online/Facebook. Not able to make it on Sunday? Watch us on YouTube at a later time.
CtK Ministry Fair – Sept 8 following worship (10:15am). Not sure where to begin in Rally Month? Come to the fair and see what CtK has to offer you. There is something for everyone!
Sunday School (3 yr old-3rd grade) faith formation begins with a bounce house! Sept 15 after worship and with a parent meeting to hear about what God is up to for our littles. This year Sunday school will be during worship. Dismissal will happen after the Children’s Message (appx 9:30-10:30am). There will be Family Sundays so, some Sundays will be for everyone to share and learn in worship.
Chris Ed (4th – 6th grades) – that is short for “Christian Education.” This is on a new night – Wednesday! No doubt there will be lots of activity and fun beginning at 6:30pm. Parent meeting Sept 18 and first night with students Sept 25.
Confirmation (7th-9th grades) – continuing learning of the catechism and faith practices brings our youth together in large and small groups. Parent meetings on either Sun, Sept 15 following worship or Wed, Sept 18 6:30pm. First night of class Sept 25.
High School (9th-12 grades) meets 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month for fellowship, service, and activities.
Donut Whole Gang – Men’s Bible Study – Saturday mornings 8:00-9:30am beginning Sept 7. A video/book study will dive into “The Case for Heaven (and Hell)” by Lee Strobel to start the fall off! It’s a great time, plus there’s donuts!
No Basement Church Ladies – Women’s Bible Study – begins Saturday Sept 7 at 8:30am for re-connection, fun and study.
Check out our e-newsletter or our website www.Christ-the-King.org for more details or call the church office and speak with Tina (920) 788-6492! Reunited, and it feels so good, at CtK where God’s love comes to life!
Christ blessings and peace throughout your week,
Pastor Nate