With a new school year starting, you will notice some changes of dates and times of Christian Education classes. Because of this, some rearranging of rooms was needed to have appropriate spaces for each class. The biggest change is Sue Wendler and Susie Selle moving into new offices and the back office will become a space for confirmation classes.
As you can imagine, emptying out desks, filing cabinets and cupboards has been an interesting look into our past! While going through a lot of folders and photos, I’ve enjoyed seeing many different events that have taken place here at CtK. I’ve archived many of those papers and photos but discarded a lot of papers too.
I also realized that while those events were successful when they occurred many years ago, they may not be the type of events that we would do today. Change is constant and Christ the King is not immune to that. We are not the same church that we were 5 years, 10 years, or more ago. Not better or worse, just different. It’s important to archive those
memories, to remember our history, but not let the past keep us from changing into who we are today.
In the same way, as time passes, we as people are not the same as we once were. We have good and bad memories archived in our heads and hearts. Maybe a good “Fall cleaning” is needed in your life to help you move into a healthier and happier person today. Acknowledge the events and feelings but discard the extra “stuff” that is holding you back
or affecting your thoughts and actions today. Those events and feelings helped shape you into the person you are today, but they should not control who you are or can become.
It's not easy to let go. I have experiences in my past that have been quite hurtful and can still cause me distress when those memories arise. But I remind myself that they are in my past and should not define or control me now. I actively work on discarding them from the current Me. I pray for you all to do some “Fall cleaning” and get rid of what is holding you in the mental and physical past and allow your current, true selves to shine through.
God’s Blessings, Tina Kopiske, Community Life Coordinator